HI-Q® 1.7 µm LASER
Ultra-narrow Lorentzian Linewidth less than 10 Hz and low phase/frequency noise in a compact form factor in 1700 nm – 1800 nm
Address the 6S to 5D transition in barium ion with lower noise than you thought was possible with a compact, robust laser with integrated -80 dB RAM.

Wavelength: 1700 nm – 1800 nm
Example Wavelengths: 1762.17 nm,
Spectral Linewidth: < 10 Hz
Output Power: 1 mW – 2 mW
Thermal Tuning Range: 10 GHz (mode hop free)
Monitor / Control Interface: USB
Frequency Modulation: DC - 1 MHz
High Power Amplification
Packaging: Lab Bench, Instrument, OEM
Monitor / Control Interface: RS 232
Multi-Output Laser: Single Wavelength or Phase-Locked Offset
210 GHz Thermal Tuning Range
30 GHs Mode Hop Free Thermal Tuning
Request Information or a Quote
Ultra-narrow Instantaneous Laser Linewidth
Ultra-Low Phase/Frequency Noise
1700 nm – 1800 nm Wavelength
Wide Thermal Tuning Range
Low Vibration Sensitivity
Low Residual Amplitude Modulation
Wavelength Stability
Compact Package
Integrated Driver/Controller
USB or RS-232 Control Interface
Interferometric Optical Sensing
B-OTDR Temperature and Strain
Gas Sensing
Optical Metrology and Spectroscopy
Acoustic Sensing
Oil and Gas Exploration
Coherent Communication
Test and Measurement
Barium 6S to 5D Transition